
August, 2012

Woman magazine recently asked me why people often dream up big ideas or decide to make dramatic changes to their lives while they’re on holiday. It got me thinking about the process of change and why it sometimes seems so hard to make positive changes in our lives – or to ourselves.
It reminds me of the old light bulb jokes:

Q: How many psychotherapists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Just one, but the light bulb has to WANT to change
A: None. The light bulb will change itself when it’s ready

I’ve often noticed that small positive changes lead to bigger bolder moves, as though the confidence and rewards we get from trying new things encourage us to move ever onwards. When we’re on holiday, the change of scenery and pace, together with new experiences, can put us in the right frame of mind and that’s when the magic happens. When I have a germ of a new idea on holiday, even if it’s just the smallest seed of change,  I write my thoughts down on a picture postcard of my favourite place and send it to myself.  Sitting on my mantelpiece at home, the scene on the front takes me back to the moment and so the seed of change gets sown… and grows and grows.