Mood lifters

September, 2012

This month in Good Housekeeping magazine (October issue, page 141), I’ve written about my 3 favourite mood lifters, so I’m sharing then here too:
1. Our own negative self-talk can often kick off a blue mood. If you catch yourself putting yourself down, say ‘Stop that!’ and swap it for a compliment, such as reminding yourself of a couple of things you have done well recently.
2. Smile! Putting on a false smile by moving your lips into a big smile shape makes you feel happier instantly. This works because it gets the ‘happy’ neural pathway firing.
3. Count your blessings. Before you go to sleep, think about all the good things that happened in the day, no matter how small, eg the sun shone all morning, or that text from x made me smile. There will be more good moments in your day than you would first guess.